Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Welcome to our magical world where we channel messages from the spirits to help you with your life

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About Us


The Medium

Welcome! I am the primary voice of these writings. I work with a large group of spirits and other mediums who provide me with messages for others in a variety of ways. I will share more details about my mediumship and their stories over time.

Baby Cat

Guardian of the Temple of Horus

Baby Cat made his transition to spirit last year and we are still closely bonded. He is an ascended form of Angel’s Grace and his home planet. Baby Cat now guards the Temple of Horus in the etheric plane and works closely with several Native American sprits to rescue other cats.

The Spirits

A Vast Collection of Divine Beings

There is a whole world of beings beyond the physical and yes, they are real! Just like you and me, they are imperfect and most have walked the physical at some point. They have many messages to share and I am honored to present their messages as best I can. Namaste.