Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Archangel Michael Is Here, There, and Everywhere

Several years ago, just a few months after suffering a very traumatic loss in my life, I was staying in a 150-year-old house for the night. On vacation with my family, we had rented our neighbor’s house as overflow sleeping, and as I had decided to stay longer than some others, found myself alone in this house for the night.

Now this house was creepy. My sister and I had both remarked on it several times during the day, and when I found out that I would be staying there alone for the night, I felt a growing sense of dread. I wouldn’t say the house had a dark presence, but there was definitely a high level of spirit activity. Nevertheless, I tried to put it out of my mind and decided to do some homework I had for graduate school.

That evening, I walked into the house and flipped on the lights, my hair already standing on end. I brushed my teeth, sat in my bed, and started working on my laptop. Hearing unfamiliar creaks coming from downstairs, I turned on some music with my portable speaker to calm myself. 

About an hour later, I almost jumped out of my skin when my speaker began to act up and the music started going off and on repeatedly. I looked over nervously at my speaker and thought of only one thing – I could feel a presence in my room. 

Now, you would think this would be enough but no, no – the spirit wasn’t finished yet. All the sudden, the antique light fixture in the center of my room that could only be turned on with a hanging string flicked on with full force. By this time the adrenaline was coursing and I hopped up to turn off the light. It took every ounce of courage I had to turn off that light and bury myself under the covers until the next day! 

I will tell you, that in the moment, I thought it was the spirit of my loved one. And that thought gave me solace at the time. But years later, my spirit guide Luther (more on him in future posts) told me it was actually Archangel Michael. I was amazed! It brings me so much joy that at the very time when my faith was wavering because of the extreme loss I had just experienced, Archangel Michael came to me and restored that faith.

A few years later, Archangel Michael returned during another challenging time in my life and showed me a vision of him pushing a large boulder up a hill for me. It gave me such comfort to know that he was there to ease my burden and I still call on Archangel Michael whenever I feel like I need his help. 

Archangel Michael wants me to share with you that whenever you also need strength in your life, you need only to call out to him and he will do the same for you. He is here for you. Try saying his name out loud – there is so much power in using your actual voice.

Now, brace yourself for one more tidbit about Archangel Michael. One way that he and the other archangels, like Archangel Gabriel, like to make contact with you is via houseflies. Um, what? Yes, it’s true. 

Have you ever noticed that suddenly out of nowhere, a housefly starts hanging around you or even following you? Or have you ever seen a random group of houseflies? Like maybe you don’t know how they got inside or they seem otherwise out of place? Archangels Michael and Gabriel have done this with me a few times, and I just laugh and say, “Hi Michael! Hi Gabriel!”