Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Mediumship and the Power of Five

Do you doodle? Ever since I was very small, I have drawn the same few images over and over, most often a five-petaled flower and sometimes just a simple five-pointed star. I love the rhythm of drawing it out-one, two, three, four, five. It’s so calming and intuitive. Do you resonate with the rhythm of five as well?

We know there are five elements we can harness as alchemists: earth, water, air, fire, and spirit. And we have seen the pentagram symbol, or five-pointed star, repeated througout history in the pagan tradition and other belief systems. How do the spirits harnass this pattern in their teachings? I will share some of what I have learned from them over the years. (And much more to come on alchemy in future posts.)

Merlin, our beloved wizard, alchemist, and Ascended Master, likes his students to work with a pentagram that they create themselves; using twigs, leaves, and other natural materials. Luther, also an Ascended Master from ancient Nubia, has his students set up five tea lights in points in a pentagram for certain prayers. If we look in nature, we see the pattern of five everywhere, in flowers, starfish, and sand dollars. Have you ever worked with a pentagram in your practice? Try using Merlin’s or Luther’s pentagram and see if you can connect with them.

You may not know this, but a pattern of five can also be found in the five versions of you: the physical, the emotional, the spiritual, the psychological, and the dream you. Each of these parts has their own characteristics and experiences. And this brings me to my other common doodle from my childhood, a 3D cube line drawing.

I will now share a teaching both from Sir Winston Churchill and one of my mentors. This is what spiritualists mean when they talk about multidimensionality and the abilities of the Ascended Masters of Shamballah. As each of us follows our own eternal paths to spiritual development and indeed, the LIGHT, we can transform from our one-dimensional to our multidimensional selves. I call this “matrixing out.

Another way to understand this concept is to visualize a 3-dimensional paper doll that “accordians out” or as someone looking at their reflections in a 360 degree mirror. And by transforming into this multidimensionality, we are able to augment our mediumistic abilities or siddhis. How exciting! Stay tuned for more on multidomensionality in future posts, including how this relates to the Council of Nine and Ascended Masters with simulataneous incarnations.

Does the concept of five versions of you resonate? Try asking your spirit guides to connect with one of these versions of you and see if you get any messages. The other night, Yellow Feather came to me in my dream state and reminded me to say my daily mantra. (Stay tuned for a future post on that topic.) Hmm, now that I think about it, the mantra my guides gave me has five core phrases.