Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Merlin and the Midnight Game of Chess

Merlin scares me. Yes, he is one of my guides but he is intense! His voice has serious gravitas, and he is kind but commanding. The first time he spoke with me was via trance through another medium, when I was recounting some challenges in my life. Merlin said “Step out of the 3D, into the 5D, and talk to us.” And by “us,” he meant himself and my other spirit guides. And so I do. 

Another time, Merlin told me he will call me “Avalyn,” meaning “beautiful bird,” in reference to a lifetime I had with that name as a guardian of the forest. And Winston Churchill told me that is why I let stray cats into my house. Well that explains a lot!

So what do we know about Merlin? Well like almost all the other spirits I talk to, I know some things but there is a lot I still don’t know. So I will share what I know now, and as I learn more, I will share more.

Merlin was and is a wizard, who legend has it, incarnated during the time of King Arthur in the late 5th century. While this is not something he has talked to me about, I can confirm that he did practice his magic in Merlin’s Cave at Tintagel in Cornwall, England. Tintagel is the site of the ruins of King Arthur’s castle, which was previously accessible via a land bridge that has since washed away. And due to my toe-curling fear of heights, when I visited Tintagel, I walked by Merlin’s Cave while taking the long way around to the old Tintagel peninsula, instead of taking the scary suspension bridge. It is one of the more beautiful views I have seen and I highly recommend a visit.

Tintagel is a magical place and you can feel the energy radiating off the sparkling aquamarine sea. I would not be surprised if there is a portal or a stargate in that location. Now, I will share that Yellow Feather once told me that Merlin, who was actually Irish, also practiced magic at many other locations in the area. And somewhere along the seafront near Bristol, there is a portal which Merlin has closed permanently because it leads to a dark, extraterrestrial force. He closed it to protect us all. How amazing is that?

I have already mentioned in my previous post, Mediumship and the Power of Five, that Merlin has his students of magic, including myself, work with handmade pentagrams. You may be interested to know that Merlin actually has tens of thousands of other students, which I’m sure keeps him very busy! Do you think you could be one of them? If that is something you are interested in, try speaking with Merlin out loud and see what you get back. He is quite the teacher.

I will say that one of the more important lessons that Merlin taught me has taken me quite a while to absorb, but has helped me a lot with my spiritual path. So now I will share this lesson with you. Many lightworkers, or starseeds, or those on a spiritual path, obviously tend to pursue the spiritual ideals of love and light, etc. And as I have referenced in my previous post referenced above, this of course offers more opportunities for spiritual advancement and multidimensionality than does the dark.

But – and here is his lesson – that does not mean you should not love or not integrate any darkness that you may sense within yourself. It is far more balanced to accept both sides of yourself, like the yin and the yang, the darkness and the light. Basically, we all have both energies available to us, and it is in balance to love every part of ourselves. I will give you a few examples to perhaps make this more relatable.

Lady Nada, for example, the consort of Sananda Kumara, whenever she speaks, tends to allude to this. For example, she will say, “I am beautiful, I am ugly; I am funny, I am boring.” And so on, and so on. She does this partially to bring an element of humor, but also to emphasize that there is balance in all things. Much more on Lady Nada in future posts.

Here is another example. There was a time when I wondered if demons could actually be real, because how could a loving Creator create something so dark? Well, I will tell you for a fact, demons are very real. I have spent many hours talking to Yellow Feather about this very topic and will share much more in a future post. And you may be interested to know that someone I know is actually a hybrid Angel/Demon soul. How could this be? Because that is how our Creator made it – the yin and the yang. Everything has its purpose.

This lesson was very new to me because as Merlin said, most of his students – including myself previously – believe that they must be 100% of the light before they can work with him. But that is not the case. Yellow Feather also teaches this lesson; see my previous post, Zeus Thumps a Staff of Truth. You may want to take time to think about this teaching and see if it resonates with you. 

Now, I will share an amazing dream visitation I had from Merlin one night and some friends that he brought with him. This is one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had! Merlin appeared and he was dressed in a simple farmer’s green coat and breeches. Yes, Merlin may have been a wizard but his incarnation at the time was as a humble Irish farmer. I will now share a quick side story, of how one evening, after returning from a trip to Glastonbury, England, Merlin was speaking to me and recounted how much he dislikes the Merlin archetype portrayed by the reenactors. He said the persona of the bearded man with the purple gown is not at all how he looked at the time nor how he acts now.

In fact, in my dream, he was a petite, slim-build man, maybe 5 feet and a few inches tall, with short, blondish gray hair. He had very straight, gleaming white teeth which for some reason I was very focused on in my dream. And he was sitting across the table from me and we were playing chess! 

I then looked up, in my dream, and to my amazement I saw a beehive-shaped elemental being made out of brown twigs, about 6 or 7 feet tall. It almost looked like a twig version of the character Grimace. It wasn’t scary, it was kind of just blinking at me with a mouth that was like a dark void and the twigs kind of heaved as it breathed and moved. And as I was playing chess, I could sense two more of these twig beings. Well, Merlin later explained that these three beings are his Imps, or as I call them, Merlin’s Imps, and they are also my spirit guides! 

In fact, one day when I was walking in the forest, I could sense them walking behind me to protect me. And one evening, about a month after my dream, I was speaking with Merlin and asking him about his Imps and could I talk to them. And all the sudden, I could hear one of them speaking to me in a strange Imp language. It almost sounded like the Aborigines when they click their tongues. To this day, I have no idea what Merlin’s Imp said to me, but thank you!

And now I will share a few more of my experiences with Merlin and what I know about some of his abilities. I know that he works closely with another one of my guides, Zosimus (or Zosimos), who is also a wizard, but with whom I have not yet spoken. According to this link, he was an Egyptian alchemist and mystic: Famous Alchemist: Zosimos of Panopolis — The wondering alchemist

I also know that Merlin has the ability to manipulate the weather, which is very interesting considering current scientific research efforts in this area. We shall see what he does with this in the future! And he has amazing healing abilities. Yellow Feather has said that Merlin has repaired some of my energy points to help with my self worth. And Merlin healed Baby Cat as best he could until Baby Cat could hold on no longer. Do you feel like you could benefit from Merlin’s healing abilities? If so, you can ask him to help you and see what you get back. And as always, I recommend speaking to him out loud.

Merlin also has the ability to move objects in the physical. Yes, this is somewhat Magic 101 for the spirits but it is not to be underestimated! A few years ago, I was up one night with the spirits as I am almost every night. Around 4:30am, I was finally sleepy enough to turn out my light, and as I rolled over onto my side, I went to pull the covers up to my chin. All of a sudden, I felt an unseen force yank my covers to the side! A chill went up my spine, and I thought, ok maybe I just imagined that happening. I tried pulling my covers again and then, yep! Another yank! I will tell you my hair was standing on end and I decided to just close my eyes and will myself into falling asleep. Well, the next day, I realized it was Merlin and when I asked him about it, he just laughed and said, “Deal with it!”

But perhaps the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed was one summer evening, when I was having dinner with one of my mentors. My mentor had been told some cool information by Merlin about the magical properties of organs in the body and began to recount what he knew. And all of a sudden, mid sentence, he began to cough and sputter, unable to speak any further. As he took a sip of water, I asked, “Are you ok? What happened?” And he said, “Merlin wants you to discover this for yourself…so he did his magic to make sure I stopped talking!”