Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Nefertiti, the Beautiful One Has Come

Who is Queen Nefertiti to you? How do you connect to her in your everyday practice? We know she was the consort of Akhenaten in Ancient Egypt around 1350 B.C. And together they promoted monotheism. From all accounts, Nefertiti was very beautiful.

I will tell you that she is very special to me and several psychics over the years have seen her standing behind me, which I didn’t really understand at first. That explains why I kept dressing up as an Egyptian goddess for Halloween year after year! Have you sensed a constant spirit or energy signature around you as well?

I first sensed Nefertiti in 1983, when my parents took me to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City to see an exhibit of Ancient Egyptian art and treasures. The exhibit hall was filled with oceans of gold objects and jewelry, cat and scarab figurines, and stone slabs carved with hieroglyphics. I held out my hand and could feel the power emanating off the gold. I can still picture it to this day.

I felt a familiarity, like I had been there before. Like I wasn’t alone. From that point onward, I told my parents I wanted to be an archeologist when I grew up. That’s not what happened, but I have felt Nefertiti around me ever since. And five years ago, at another museum, I finally saw the Nefertiti Bust with her powder blue headdress and intriguing Mona Lisa smile.

The thing about the spirits, though, is that they come and go. There are so many of them and as Yellow Feather once explained to me, it’s not that any particular spirit doesn’t want to connect more often than they already do; it’s that it’s not as easy for them to connect as you might think. Not only are they trying to get through to you, the medium, at the same time as other spirits, but they also have to learn your vibration. Because Yellow Feather is one of my guides and knows me so well, for example, it is easier for him to connect.

That being said, I am still getting to know Nefertiti. Honestly I could probably sit with her for a week straight and not run out of questions to ask her. For example, why specifically was she so revered during her time? What unique energies did she bring to human consciousness as a ruler? How was moving from a polytheistic to a monotheistic system helpful to the people at the time? Did she revere cats like other Ancient Egyptians and if so, why?

Well, I can tell you that Nefertiti hails from one of the 65,000 exoplanets and did bring her off-world consciousness to Earth. (She is not ready to share the name of her planet, as is yet unknown to people on Earth.) But we simply cannot consider Nefertiti without her beloved, Akhenaten. They did it together. They are two halves of the same soul. If one of them is day, the other is night. Together, they form the love vibration. And they are back.