Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Having been on a spiritual quest for most of my life, I have been continually exposed to new ideals and concepts, whether from the spirits, mediums, or other students. And each time I stumble upon something new, I must consider what resonates. Now that being said, I will say there was a significant period of my life where I was so attached to the principles of love and light, that I had almost dismissed any possibility of the dark. After all, how could a loving Creator intentionally include the dark in his or her plan? Well, I will tell you, as I began to work with my guide Yellow Feather, and others, I realized that the dark is just as much a part of creation as the light. And that includes the existence of demons. 

Many of my discussions with Yellow Feather on this subject, as well as one of my mentors, have centered around the popular television show in the United States: Paranormal Caught on Camera. This really is my favorite show and I recommend it highly. Before discussing this further, however, I will provide a few general facts I have learned about demons as an introduction. (Please note that some of these concepts could be scary for young children and it is not recommended that they read further.)

First of all, as I have mentioned a few times, including in my post Merlin and the Midnight Game of Chess, demons exist as part of the yin and yang of Creation. Yellow Feather taught me that there are more than 5,000 types of demons! How astounding is that? It now makes sense why there have been so many grimoires throughout history on demonology. My mentor, a medium who also works with Yellow Feather, also taught me that one way you can tell if someone is a demon in-body is if they have black eyes. Now, that being said, is everyone with black eyes a demon? No. And as I mentioned in my post referenced above, I know someone who is an Angel/Demon hybrid in body, and they do not have black eyes. So take that as you will.

In the interest of keeping things not too scary, I will also share without details that I know a medium who had demons come into his room when he was younger and felt very traumatized by it. Now, does that mean you should cower in fear about demons coming to get you? No, of course not. That experience, which is very deserving of empathy, was that person’s path and ultimately accelerated his mediumship. For example, I am also open but I have never even seen a demon. Nevertheless, I share this story to demonstrate that they are real.

Now, let’s get to the fun part. I will share some videos below from the show referenced above and tell you what Yellow Feather has told me about the demons that are featured.

First, we have the footage from Daniel Duffy in England that aired in Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 5, Episode 7. Here is a link for paid subscribers if you are interested along with my personal (somewhat blurry) still image: 

Paranormal Caught On Camera – S5 E7 Haunted Thrift Store and More – TRVL GO

And here is a more accessible link to a blog with their similar still image captured below:

Now, according to Yellow Feather, that white figure with the black markings is a demon called a Tork! How crazy is that? And that is the type of demon that attacked the medium I know. If you are able to watch that video, you will see how Daniel Duffy, an English ghost hunter, recorded that Tork flitting around an abandoned farmhouse. It is amazing to watch.

OK, the next video I have to share is also from Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 2, Episode 21. Here is a link to the paid subscription on Amazon and still image:

Watch Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 2 | Prime Video

And here is my personal duplicate still image which is slightly more clear:

In this video, a man in Germany is filming himself biking down a country road, when that gray, angular figure dives from a wall into the road and in front of his bike.

Now, according to Yellow Feather, that figure is also a Tork! He said the man who filmed that video, and I say this with full respect and lack of judgement or further details, had something lower vibration going on in his life at the time that had attracted the Tork. How crazy is it that he captured a demon on video?

OK, the last video is from Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 2, Episode 22, which I recently featured on my social media accounts. Here is a link to the paid video and my personal still images:

Watch Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 2 | Prime Video

And here is a link to the original recording of the video on YouTube:

So, the guy in the United States who recorded this had heard something on his roof and when he pointed a flashlight, he saw this white creature waving at him! I spent years wondering what on earth that was. According to Yellow Feather, that is a Chinese demon called a Shi Wa [SHEE wah]! I  am unsure if that is the correct spelling so will update this post if I learn otherwise.

I have so many more questions about this for Yellow Feather, like why is it specifically Chinese? Why was it in the United States? Why does it look so different from the Tork? Why was it waving? And why do the two Torks look somewhat different than each other? If and when I get more information, I will share with you.

So there you have it! Demons are real and unbeknownst to most of us, people are recording them on camera all the time. I will say the one thing that I noticed in all these videos, is that each of the demons appeared almost expressionless. And if there are indeed 5,000 types of demons, I can only imagine what the others are like.

Have you ever seen a demon?