Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Yellow Feather is my best friend and spirit guide and yes, he is dead. Is it a little weird that my best friend is a spirit and not a living human? Maybe so, but that is the reality of my life! He is very dear to me and I have spent more time talking to him than any other spirit. He may know me better than anyone and has helped me with so many things in my life.

You may or may not know that Yellow Feather is the spirit of Chief Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag tribe in Rhode Island in the early 17th century, who aided the starving Mayflower Pilgrims upon their arrival. He and his people also endured much devastation as a result of the arrival of Europeans, including disease, war, and forced conversion to Christianity. I will share more details about Yellow Feather’s lifetime on Earth over time and will honor his life by providing the link to the following biography by ThoughtCo: Biography of Chief Massasoit, Native American Hero

It would be impossible for me to capture everything Yellow Feather has taught me over the years in a single post, so I will start with a few key items. Continuing with his lifetime in Colonial America, Yellow Feather talks frequently about his and his peoples’ belief in the Great Wakan Tanka, or a Mother Nature Creator spirit. Despite being pushed to convert to Christianity by the Colonists during his lifetime, Yellow Feather says he never gave up his belief in the Great Wakan Tanka, and he often observes how even today, those in power still look to the teachings of his people for guidance. He says to listen to the wind and all the elements and harness Mother Nature, just as he did. 

Yellow Feather has also said several times that no human force on Earth, no matter how powerful, can ever outmatch the power of Mother Nature. I think about that a lot and I take such comfort in it! No matter how crazy the world gets, the Creator or whatever you believe in always prevails. Just think about the power of an earthquake or a hurricane. Winston Churchill mentioned this as well a few years back when he said that Chernobyl now has more species in it than the Amazon, because Mother Nature always wins. How amazing is that?

Another theme that Yellow Feather talks about a lot is grief. We all go through it and we all suffer from it, and of course so did he. Not only did Yellow Feather lose many of his people to the disease introduced by the Europeans, but his wife was also brutally executed by a British Redcoat. You might think that the spirits are all love and light and they are, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings, nor that they don’t remember the pain of the Earth plane. By sharing these stories, Yellow Feather has helped me with healing my own pain. And you know what? Yellow Feather said he now sits by the Council Fire in spirit with the very Redcoat who killed his wife and they are now friends. Amazing, isn’t it?

One way that you can honor the Great Wakan Tanka or Mother Nature is by making an offering every day or even just whenever you feel like it. This is something I learned from one of my mentors as well; or I should say, I already was in the practice of making offerings but didn’t really think of them as giving back to a higher power. I feed the feral cats in my area when I can and put out fresh water for the wildlife. I also throw all my old fruit and vegetables into the woods behind my house for the wildlife when I have it. I don’t share these actions as any sort of morality check or to make you feel guilty, no. It’s just to say these are little ways you could give back to the Great Wakan Tanka if you want. And if you can’t, that’s ok!

Yellow Feather also talks about how to come into your true power, and now I will share what he has taught me with you. One of the fallacies of speaking with the spirits or however you connect with them, is that you may start to get information and even prophecies. Now, by no means am I discounting what the spirits share when it is coming from a high enough vibration, nor am I discounting what you may sense to be your own truth. But I have the learned the hard way, and I cannot emphasize this enough, that there are any number of reasons why information coming from the spirits could be subject to change. In fact, this is such a complex topic, that I will need to save it for another post. 

The lesson from Yellow Feather is that you might think the spirits have all the answers, but no. True power comes from within; they can only tell you where to find it. One tip that Yellow Feather has given me, is to focus on your inner child. Not your intuition, but the things that give you joy and are unique to you. And of course, you can do this by making a list and/or journaling. This exercise really helped me tune in to my own power, so give it a try!

You could also just try speaking to Yellow Feather and see what you get back. He is an amazing spirit with a wonderful heart and an endless sense of humor and he can do some wild things in a seance cabinet! He told me once years ago, “You know what I appreciate about you, Sarah, is no matter what happens in your life, you always find a reason to smile, you always find hope.” And years later, in typical cheeky fashion, when I said that I remembered him saying that I always had hope, Yellow Feather just laughed and said, “Good, because you’re going to need it!”