Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Why are the principles of alchemy and the mantra so important to Jesus and other Ascended Masters? And what does that have to do with water? It took me many, many years to fully understand these concepts and how they relate to mediumship, astrology, and magic. And now I will share what I have learned with you.

We already know that alchemy is the ability to work with or manipulate the five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and spirit. (See my previous post: Mediumship and the Power of Five.) And we have all seen the images in popular lore of medieval sorcerers tinkering in their chemical labs, trying to turn aluminum into gold. 

Well, alchemy is very real and I will provide some more relatable examples of how the Ascended Masters use alchemy. You may or may not have recognized these examples as such. Let’s take Jesus turning water into wine, or manipulating the water element. Yes, that was alchemy! And I will tell you, I know of at least one medium on the planet who has been able to work with Jesus and reproduce this phenomenon in the physical. According to Winston Churchill, it involves blending with a spirit and asking them to use chemical engineering to change the properties of the element with you. This is true physical mediumship.

Here is another example: Moses parting the Red Sea. Again, the manipulation of water. While we are on the topic of Moses, I will share a quick story of how he showed up in my living room one evening to give me relationship advice regarding my cosmic partner snd our joint mediumship. Thanks Moses.

Stay tuned for much more on alchemy in future posts, including lessons from Gaia, aka Mother Nature, and others, on how you can work with water and fire yourself. Part of this is learning how to tap into the chi, prana, or life force of the element. Exciting stuff!

Now, before we discuss how this all relates to the mantra and astrology, I will give you some more logic behind alchemy. Again, you may have heard of this but may not have pulled all these concepts together. There is a scientific discipline called cymatics, the science of “sound made visible” or a subset of nodal vibrational phenomena. The Cymascope Institute provides an interesting summary here:

Cymatics Intro – Cymascope

Also here is a fascinating video actually showing water, fire, and sand being physically affected by music: 

And yes, there are alchemists in the physical today who are able to use their hands to move a flame to music themselves. We have also seen this concept in experiments with freezing ice crystals and growing plants that have been exposed to different songs. This is the concept behind the Solfeggio frequencies and the so-called love vibration of 528 Hz, the same as John Lennon’s song, Imagine. See reference here: 

The Power Of Sound | 528 Hz & Solfeggio Frequencies | TO112

More to come on John Lennon in future posts.

So now you have some evidence of how vibration, whether it be music, a word, a color, or a heavenly body, can affect the elements. (See my previous post: http://t

And which element comprises roughly 60% of the human body? Yes, water. This is the secret behind the mantra, astrology, Tibetan singing bowls, and even cults! In the case of the mantra, we can actually program our own bodies to a particular frequency. 

Do you say a mantra as part of your daily practice? I had 5 original core statements in my practice and later added 6 more as advised by Yellow Feather, Merlin, and Luther. They really work! 

If you don’t currently say any mantras here is a suggestion for generating your own. Start by making two columns on a sheet of paper or in your phone. In the left column, write five statements that capture a negative perception of yourself or a perceived shortcoming in your life. Then in the right column, write an inverse, positive statement. The right column would then be your mantra. Here are some examples:

How to Write a Mantra

Now, I will share a lesson from Yellow Feather. Be sure to say your mantra every day. And say it out loud. There is great power in the vibration of your voice. I say mine every day during my walking meditation in the forest. Yes, mantras really work. Just watch how your life changes once you start saying them.

And now we understand how we might be able to feel what the heavenly bodies are doing, like when a planet as big as Jupiter is transiting a certain part of the sky, or how it is that we can feel the full moon opposing the Sun. It is no wonder we also feel when the moon is blocked by the Earth’s shadow, so see what happens in your life at the next lunar eclipse in a few weeks!