Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Change is afoot, can you feel it? Eclipse season is here, starting with the full moon partial lunar eclipse next week in Pisces. And two weeks later, we will have the new moon annular solar eclipse in Libra.

For a calendar of upcoming eclipses, see Astro Seek here: Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2024, Astrology Calendar.

My vertigo has already started ramping up and my left eye has been watering for a week straight.

Eclipses make me giddy. As a Scorpio rising, I live for change and yes, forbidden knowledge. And eclipses bring both!

There are many great astrologers who can explain the mechanics of the eclipses and that is not the focus of this post. For more information on that, see Susan Miller: How to Deal with Eclipses – Susan Miller Astrology Zone and Jessica Adams: Eclipses Archives • Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer.

For this post, however, I thought I would share some of my own experiences with eclipses over the years to help you understand how they could manifest in your life. Again, to best understand this, you would reference your natal chart signs, planets, houses, and degrees, see my previous post: Your Divine Blueprint, The Natal Chart.

And as a reminder, I always keep a journal of what I notice in my life for major astrological events so I can reference it later.

Because eclipses always come in pairs, two weeks apart, and they have a tendency to conceal their effects initially, it can sometimes be a challenge to differentiate between any lunar and subsequent solar eclipse in such a short timeframe. In general, though, here is what I usually notice for both lunar and solar eclipse seasons:

  • • Typical full moon culmination of events for lunar eclipses
  • • Typical new moon start of something new for solar eclipses 
  • • Both types of eclipses usually reveal something previously hidden and/or push you on a new path or change of direction, all for your higher good or protection
  • • They can have a Mercury retrograde and/or Neptune-like confusion to them; very often as I’m capturing my journal at the time, I will put “didn’t notice anything” at first, and then either a few days later and/or 4-6 weeks later, I will notice something
  • • I will notice themes specific both to (a) to the sign, and (b) the houses in my natal chart 

During the full moon eclipse last March, for example, the Libra eclipse occurred in my natal Sun 2nd house, and my rising sign 12th house. Again, see Dr. Standley’s reference for astrological house/sign themes: Astrological Houses, What do the Twelve Houses in Astrology mean? The Twelve Houses, Where are the 12 houses?

So here are some high-level examples of what I observed in my own life, some of which I noticed 4-6 weeks later:

  • • Confirmed the cost for and paid to move some possessions, having received a rough estimate previously (2nd house)
  • • Finally received some jewelry left to me as inheritance years ago that had been in storage (2nd house)
  • • Saw the headlines for earthquakes in New York and Taiwan (full moon lunar eclipse culmination)
  • • Reveal of previously unknown though suspected information about an old flame (Libra/12th house)

And during the new moon solar eclipse last April, the Aries eclipse occurred in my natal Sun 6th house and my rising sign 8th house. And here is what I observed:

  • • Reveal of previously unknown information related to my professional reputation (Aries and 6th house)
  • • New work assignment (6th house)
  • • Reveal of previously unknown information related to wills and estates (8th house)
  • • Began a new wellness plan and reached my target goals more quickly than expected (Aries and 6th house)

So as you can see, I definitely felt the effects of the eclipses and all for my higher good. 

What themes do you notice in your life during eclipses? Try keeping a journal this time and see what happens. And remember, the Universe always has your back!