Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Do you identify as the Black Sheep? I do. Pretty much since forever. It is exceedingly rare that I am accepted by others and this life theme has caused me much suffering throughout my life. Why do so many of us identify with this life experience? Why is it so often coupled with feelings of loneliness and never fitting in, not even with your own family? I will share some interesting information from the spirits that has helped me with these life themes and hopefully will help you as well.

First, let me assure you that you are not alone in regards to this theme. The Black Sheep theme is very common for those on the spiritual and mediumistic paths, and otherwise. It is also a common theme for many of the Ascended Masters, both in their current and past incarnations. 

The spirits have given me permission to share some of their stories on this subject. Beloved Quan Yin, one of my guides, was so unhappy with her family that she actually ran away from them to the jungle to live with her tigers. Another master and late politician (whose name is private as his relatives are still alive), faced extraordinary judgement from his parents who could not see outside their rigid religious beliefs, including how he was “supposed” to look physically. Michael Jackson was ridiculed repeatedly as an adult for his appearance and certain personal life choices. Paul the Venetian, in his current incarnation, struggles with his family, as they do not accept his sexual orientation and regularly leave him out of group events and texts. 

Does this mean that we, the Black Sheep, should judge those who judge us? Of course not. Love for others and ourselves is always the answer. But it may leave us wondering why? And how to cope?

Well, it may be interesting to know that roughly 1 in 14,000 people incarnated on the planet today has some sort of psychic or mediumistic ability. There are all flavors of cosmic origins found in people as well, including Earth human, extraterrestrial, Angelic, demonic, Ascended Master, or any combination thereof! Each of these scenarios is special and has its own unique purpose. 

Now if you identify as the Black Sheep, it is very possible that you are experiencing your respective life theme because you are bringing in an off-world, or higher consciousness to your lifetime. And guess what? That tends to scare people. And they may also see that as something they want.

When you walk to the beat of your own drum, and do not do what others expect of you, chances are you will be on the receiving end of some sort of negative feedback or competitive response. Take this to the extreme, and we have Jesus being persecuted and nailed to a cross.

Now, I will share an invaluable teaching from Yellow Feather and Sir Winston Churchill. In responding to others, we don’t need to go down the pathway of validating the negative feedback and perpetuating this energy. We can just keep it high-vibe and set a gentle boundary or change the subject. It is also worth repeating a reminder from Yellow Feather; we know that the energy we give is the energy we receive, so any negative response we give to others will just come back to us. But you always have free will.

As for feelings of loneliness, I will leave you with a few closing thoughts. First of all, try saying “I am not alone” as part of your daily mantra and see if that helps you. Also, yes, spiritual partners are a thing; stay tuned for an extensive future post on that topic. And you might want to think twice if you feel like you’re always alone – chances are there are 40-some spirits milling around you at this very moment trying to talk to you!