Messages of the true existence from the spirits

The Magical Violet Flame

My mother’s favorite color is purple and she wore it a lot when I was growing up. I remember one of her dresses, a violet hippie Grecian maxi dress with gold detailing that I borrowed years later for my Cleopatra costume on Halloween.

Every time she wore purple I had the same physical reaction, recoiling at the intensity of the color —I felt like I needed to put a shield in front of my body for protection, it almost made me feel sick. As a child, I wondered why?

Why would a color cause a physical response? What does it mean when spiritualists talk about color and vibration? Why do they talk about Master Saint Germain and others using the Violet Flame as a cleansing tool?

Well, thinking back to ROYGBIV from high school biology, we know that colors have different wavelengths, frequencies, and energies. And which color has the highest frequency and the most energy? You guessed it, violet.

Have you ever had a physical reaction to a specific color? What about the absence of color, like black or white? Try holding your hand over different colors of paper or cloth and see if you can feel a difference.

I will pose some questions to help to understand these concepts further. Why does a red stoplight indicate movement? Why do leaves turn from green to orange to red in the fall? Why is purple the color of royalty? Why is the crown chakra violet?

Stay tuned for much more on color, the chakras, and Saint Germain in future posts!