Messages of the true existence from the spirits

The Mystical Eyes

I thought I would share some interesting things I have learned about eyes over the years, from my own experiences and from the spirits. Yes, as in the physical eyes we are born with and how they can give us clues to the person within. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but what does that mean to us on a higher spiritual path?

As someone on the spiritual path myself, I had some interesting observations about eyes early on. One thing I noticed was that as an empath and someone who can read other people’s energy when I am with them, I would of course focus on people’s eyes to tune in to their general mood. But I was surprised to realize later in life that I could also do this by looking at peoples’ eyes in their photos. Most often I will pick up on lower emotions like depression, loneliness, or low consciousness but I can also read the love vibration and higher or off-world consciousness. 

Have you ever tried reading someone’s energy via their eyes in a photo as well? Try looking at different photos and see if you pick up on anything. If so, how would you describe the energy you are reading specific to the eyes? I see the energy of the eyes according to the level of etheric “brightness.”

Another interesting fact you may have noticed is that sometimes, but not always, certain starseeds, or people in the physical who have incarnated on Earth from other planets, may have one eye that is unique as compared to the other, such as one eye that is slightly smaller. I was simply amazed when my guide told me this considering my late starseed cat had this signature! 

Why, you ask? Well, that is because the unique eye is aligned with their home planet and the other eye is aligned to Earth. How amazing is that?!

Now I will share some exceptions to this that I have observed over the years. First, none of the Angels incarnate whom I know have this, so it does not seem to apply to the Angelic Realm (which is of course off-world but not a planet). Also, there are some starseeds I know who have had their unusual eye adjusted over time through a sustained connection with the higher realms, such as via deep trance.

And brace yourself for the final topic on the eyes which I learned about from one of my guides, Yellow Feather. We have all grown up with tales of certain ascended beings having supernatural abilities to change their eye color, here’s a nice summary: Eye Color Shifting | Superpower Wiki | Fandom

Well, there are certain people incarnated on the planet today with those abilities. It’s true. This includes changing eye color at will, changing the shape of pupils, and even adding pupils. The trigger is when these people are in their ascended form or are tuned into the love vibration. These changes can happen when these people are awake but also in their dream state. I was amazed when he told me that! 

Have you ever noticed someone’s eyes changing colors when you were speaking with them? Do you think you have this ability yourself, maybe when you are sleeping? Now, don’t think for a second I am ignoring the third eye…stay tuned for a future post on that topic.