Messages of the true existence from the spirits

Zeus Thumps a Staff of Truth

A few years ago, I was on vacation and while staying in my rental, kept hearing recurring booms on the kitchen floor. The people I was staying with heard the same booms and when I asked my guide about it, he said that is Zeus and the other giants thumping their Staffs of Truth every time you say something of great importance to your higher truth.

Yes, Zeus is a giant. Did we really expect otherwise? Coincidentally, today I read that they just found a 26-inch head of a Zeus statue in Western Turkey which according to human measurements would make him…a giant. Synchronicity in action.

The truth that I was speaking at the time in which Zeus thumped his staff, was related to making myself happy with food. In particular, I had denied myself in the past for various reasons, and this had led to my unhappiness. So at that time, I was discussing my decision to stop denying, and just eat what made me happy – within reason, of course. The lesson I learned from this exchange was that Zeus and the spirits do not judge us, as we so often do ourselves. This teaching may sound elemental, but it took me many years to absorb.

The second part of this lesson came during this same trip from my guide, Yellow Feather. HIs teaching was that there is a common illusion, particularly among those on the spiritual path, that one must be divinely perfect and “good,” 100 percent of the time. But yes, this is an illusion and it is by no means required to work with the spirits or to develop your mediumistic abilities. The most important factor is that you are true to yourself and make yourself happy. I will give an example that was taught to me by my mentor. The endorphins you release from eating your favorite foods can actully enhance your mediumistic abilities, including your ability to produce apports! How amazing is that?

What image do you see when you envision Zeus? I am still getting to know him so will pose some questions I am curious about myself. Did he ever incarnate on Earth? It is interesting that the ancient Greeks associated him with so much power, ruling the other gods, thunderbolts, and Jupiter. I am guessing that he was an alchemist, able to manipulate thunderstorms and the weather. Try connecting with Zeus the next time you are contemplating your own personal truth and ask him to thump his staff for you.

Now, did you know that there are still giants on the earth today who, ages ago, settled in for a long winter’s nap? Yes, as in they are still here in-body, with fresh skin and hair that show no signs of decomposition whatsoever! Well, word has it they are waking up.